Dawn Journey Productions, founded in 2021, is production company, headquartered in Knoxville Tennessee, that is committed to helping businesses excel through strategic media and advertising solutions. Our goal is to facilitate brand growth, expand customer reach, and help establish you as an industry authority. By fostering creativity and innovation, we empower our clients to not only surpass competition but also to effectively get in front of more customers, becoming indispensable resources within their respective fields. Whether you’re a Law Office, IT Company, Church, or Medical Practice, Dawn Journey Productions is here to help you grow your business, social impact, and revenue.

How Can we help you get in front of More customers?

You own a successful business, but you’ve hit a plateau. You need to find a way to expand your business’ reach and get your name and brand in front of more customers, but you don’t know how. Dawn Journey Productions can help. It’s time to think outside of the box and step outside of your comfort zone. Don’t worry. We’ll be on this journey with you every step of the way!

Podcast Concierge

It’s time to start your own podcast! Welcome to Podcast Concierge, our full podcast solution. Get established as the industry expert and get your message and mission out to more customers, with your very own podcast. We’ll produce, edit, and host your podcast on major podcast networks.

YouTube Content Creation

Take your brand recognition to the next level and further establish your organization as the go to resource in your industry, by leveraging the power of the YouTube platform. We will film, produce, and publish original content, starring you, making you the face of not only your business, but also your industry!

Video Ad Production

Are you ready to go national? International? Let’s produce an original video ad that highlights why you are the best in your industry and why a customer need not look anywhere else. You know you’re the best; now let’s show the world why you’re the best.

Commercial Training Film

You’ve mastered the podcast space, established yourself as an industry authority on YouTube, and your ad is airing internationally. You’ve grown so quickly that you can’t train new staff fast enough. Optimize your new hire on-boarding with a custom tailored training film, so you can continue focusing on what’s important: growth.

Customer spotlight